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wasted millions on digital ad campaigns

How can digital campaigns make you waste millions?

How Digital Advertisers Wasted million on digital ad campaigns?

Currently, studies have been done on companies that invest in digital marketing and how much they invest. It was concluded that many big brands from different sectors wasted millions on digital ad campaigns. The most worrying thing about all this is that many of these announcements were not fruitful at all for these companies.

In this article, we will show you some of the reasons why this can be considered a waste of money. In addition, you will see in detail the social networks that received the most investments unproductive. We will also give you some tips you should consider to avoid this problem. Specifically, we will discuss:

  1. What are the mistakes made with digital campaigns?
  2. What are the social networks that receive the most wasted money?
  3. Which are the sectors that have spent the most money?
  4. How can you avoid this problem?
  5. What can you invest in to have a successful digital campaign?
  6. How Digitizengrow can aid and assist to optimize their budget?

1. What are the mistakes made with digital campaigns? & wasted million of digital ad campaigns

wasted millions on digital ad campaigns

Currently, one of the best ways to advertise your business is by using digital marketing. However, agencies are realizing that in many cases companies have wasted millions on digital ad campaigns. This is due to several factors that you will see below:

1.1 Carelessness on the part of companies

Normally, each company must take care of more important tasks than marketing. Also, many business owners just pay companies to take care of all this and they walk away. This is a serious error. Despite having an agency in charge of digital marketing, they must be aware of the publications and the strategies to be carried out. If this is not done, you can risk wasting millions on useless digital campaigns.

1.2 More is not always better

When companies start to grow, it often happens that they want to invest large amounts in digital marketing. This can become a problem. Many times they start wasting millions on useless digital ad campaigns. For instance, they invest in media that the target audience of their product does not use. For these cases, it is better to use reduced but more effective means.

1.3 They are targeting the wrong audience

Every company must promote its product to the target audience. It has been seen many times that companies invest in ads aimed at everyone, which generates more spending and less positive results. For example, if your company sells makeup, your digital ads should be aimed at adolescent and adult women. Thus, you guarantee to have higher sales.

1.4 Unattractive ads for the public

It is important to know the public to whom you want to direct your product. This is because attractive ads that are consistent with the product attract all potential customers. For instance, if you sell cosmetics your ads should be feminine and elegant, this way, women will be attracted to review your catalog and make a purchase.

1.5 Ads unrelated to the product or service offered

When you want to enter the world of digital marketing and avoid wasting millions on useless digital ads; you have to think of designs according to your products or services that, in turn, are pleasing to your audience. For example, if you sell cars, your ads should be in dark colors and with masculine details.

2. What are the social networks that receive the most wasted money? wasted million on useless digital ad campaigns

Currently, there are a lot of social networks, some more popular than others, therefore, some are more effective than others for digital marketing. Consequently, before being part of the companies that wasted millions on digital campaigns; you must know which are the social networks that receive the most money for marketing and it is not very fruitful.

2.1 Facebook

The social network company that has received the most of this income is Facebook with 53 million US$. Although it is true, one of the problems with this social network is that it has already gone out of style. This means that users currently prefer to use other social networks instead of Facebook.

Another problem that may be the cause of these ads that have not worked for companies is the way they work. That is, on Facebook, there are two ways to do your advertising, which are paid promotions and advertisements. Both can work depending on what the client wants. However, the two have a common problem, which is that the posts are informative and not so visual, which is not pleasant for today’s public.

2.2 Google

As you know, Google is a very large company and from this income, they have received 45 million US$. The problem with Google is that many of the companies invest here and the advertising is directed at all types of audiences. In the previous section, it was shown that this is not the most appropriate since each product is directed to a particular audience. Thanks to this, it has been wasted on digital ad campaigns with Google.

2.3 LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a company dedicated to job search and has received 28 million US$. Many companies have wasted millions on digital ad campaigns here because this is not a page for advertising. Generally, if you want to sell a product, you need to have a wider variety of audiences. With LinkedIn, this cannot necessarily be achieved.

2.4 Bing

Finally, let us talk now about being, this of the four is the one that has received the least, but it is still a considerable sum of 10.7 million US$. This is mainly due to how outdated and underused this page is. Currently, very few people know about this search engine and therefore, very few audiences will be able to see the digital ad campaigns.

3. Which are the sectors that have spent the most money?

wasted millions on digital ad campaigns

In the digital age you live in, many sectors wasted millions on digital ad campaigns. Below you will see which sectors allocate the most money to this type of campaign:

3.1 Industrial sector

This sector, being the one that generates the most income, is also the one that wasted millions on digital ad campaigns. It is known that large industries spend a lot of money on different advertising strategies and digital campaigns are no exception. However, medium and small industries spend a lot on this type of campaign to reach more people.

It should be noted that the industrial sector is very large and can be divided into many categories. You can find that among all these categories some spend more than others. For this reason, you will see what are the divisions of this large sector:

  • Automotive industry: one of the largest industries worldwide and has one of the largest advertising expenses. Today the scope of this industry is known and it is not surprising its position in the global market.
  • Consumer electronics: it is one of the most fundamental industries today due to the great ease it provides to the consumer. In this way, the industries that decide to invest the most in digital campaigns are part of it.
  • Brewing industry: thanks to its popularity, brewing industries have become among the best known in the market. Therefore, their spending on digital campaigns has been increasing as has their popularity globally.
  • Textile industry: they are part of the most important industries and those who make the greatest investment in different advertising campaigns. It is important to point out that in these industries good publicity is vital to growing among the competition.
  • Video game industry: it can be said that they are the most popular entertainment industry worldwide. This added to the significant competition that exists within the industry. It places it among the industries that spend the most money on digital campaigns.

3.2 Service sector

In this sector, it is responsible for generating services to meet the needs of anyone in the world. This has caused more aggressive marketing strategies to be generated due to the high competition in this sector. Here are the different types of services in this sector that spend the most money on digital campaigns:

  • Retail market: this is the most important service offered by this sector and for this reason, it is the one that spends the most on advertising. Retail businesses face stiff competition due to the sheer number of them in the world. This causes one of the largest expenses of digital campaigns worldwide.
  • Tourism: tourism has become one of the most important services not only in this sector but also worldwide. This has caused a large investment in this sector due to the great demand and competition it has.
  • Insurance: it is one of the most fundamental services at a global level thanks to all the help it can provide to its clients. However, those who spend more money on digital campaigns to attract customers are part of it.
  • Shows: part of the world of entertainment that has different types of shows. Here we will only talk about who spends the most money on digital advertising and that is the cinema. The most famous show worldwide and who spends the most to publicize their films.

4. How can you avoid this problem?

If you want to carry out an advertising campaign you have to invest money. However, you cannot waste millions on digital ad campaigns that cause you a lot of losses. For this reason, a study must be carried out to determine how to proceed without making a lot of investment.

In this study, a budget should be established that is not very high and that meets our objectives in mind. You must choose which public you want to direct our products to and which option is the most profitable. It is important to thoroughly investigate the costs on different platforms and what services they offer you for different prices.

Many times the cheapest advertising can get the same results as a more expensive one. For this reason, it is important to study all the options well so as not to spend more money and obtain a bad result.

5. What can you invest in to have a successful digital campaign? big brands that stopped spending on digital

If you want to be successful in digital marketing and avoid wasting millions on digital ad campaigns, the most important thing is to invest in a good advertising agency. Currently, many agencies are dedicated solely and exclusively to digital marketing. These types of agencies are the ones you should contact.

Something important before going to an agency, you should look for recommendations and investigate very well what they offer you. The most important thing they must have is a good team of experts and good teams. In addition, it also requires people who are very creative and have innovative thoughts.

Another thing that companies should invest in to be successful in digital marketing is a team that does market research. This is because it is important to know whom to direct digital ads to and how to make them attractive. In addition, you have to know what the competition’s advertising is like to stand out from it.

By doing the market study, it is much easier to go and choose the ideal digital marketing agency. This is because when they ask the company manager, he can give a detailed report of what he needs. With this, the advertising agency can carry out a digital campaign that is according to your company and be able to obtain a significant increase in sales. As a result, you avoid being part of the companies that wasted millions on digital ad campaigns.

6. How Digitizen Grow can aid and assist to optimize their budget?

If you are looking for an agency that has a team of experts who are at the forefront; and that in turn, have access to the best team for digital marketing. You should immediately contact Digitizengrow. We offer you the innovation in digital ads campaigns that your company needs to publicize its products. And also, the following services:

If you want to avoid wasting millions on digital ad campaigns that did not give results. Also, if you do not want to be like the big brands that stopped spending on digital because you believe in technology, do not hesitate to contact Digitizengrow. You can have access to a free 30-minute initial consultation. You can contact us by phone at +971 433 16 688 or via email at contact@digitizengrow.com.

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